
  • Li Shengli
  • 出生年月:1983年12月
  • 籍贯:河北省保定市
  • 职称:副教授
  • 电子邮箱:lishengli@pku.edu.cn
2002年至2006年 西安交通大学,中国       学士,信息与通信工程专业
2006年至2008年 佛罗里达大学(University of Florida),美国       硕士,电子信息工程专业
2008年至2013年 佛罗里达大学(University of Florida),美国       博士,信息系统 (Information Systems)
博士论文:Software Free Trial, Licensing and Channel Strategies
答辩委员会:Dr. Hsing Kenny Cheng (导师), Dr. HaldunAytug, Dr. Praveen A. Pathak, Dr. Jih-KowonPeir
副教授,华体会·体育,华体会(中国)     2018年4月至今
副教授,西安交通大学管理学院,     2016年1月至2018年3月
讲师,西安交通大学管理学院,     2013年11月至2015年12月
在线音乐及视频媒体服务商业模式研究(71972004),国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2020.1-2023.12,在研,主持
Shengli Li, Qiuyue Luo, LiangfeiQiu and SubhajyotiBandyopadhyay, “Optimal Pricing Model of Digital Music: Ownership, Subscription or Mixed?”, Production and Operations Management (SCI, UTD24顶级期刊之一), 2020, 29(3):688-704.
Shengli Li, Hsing K. Cheng and Yong Jin, “Optimal Distribution Channel Strategies for Enterprise Software:On-Premises, SaaS or Dual Channel?”, Production and Operations Management Journal(SCI,UTD24顶级期刊之一), 2018, 27(11):1928-1939.
Hsing K. Cheng, Shengli Li* (通讯作者), and Yipeng Liu, “Optimal Software Free Trial Strategy: Limited Version, Time-locked or Hybrid?”,Production and Operations Management Journal(SCI,UTD24顶级期刊之一), 2015, 24(3): 504-517.
Shengli Li*(通讯作者),Hsing K. Cheng, Yang Duan, Yu-Chen Yang, “A Study ofEnterprise Software Licensing Models”, Journal of Management Information Systems(SCI, SSCI, 信息系统领域三大顶级期刊之一, FT50顶级期刊之一), 2017, 34(1):177-205.
Shengli Li and Fan Li, “The interaction effects of online reviews and free samples on consumers’ downloads: An empirical analysis”, Information Processing & Management (SCI, SSCI, FMS列表B类期刊), 2019, 56(6). 
Shengli Li, Fan Li, ShiyuXie, “Do online reviews have different effects on consumers’ sampling behavior across product types? Evidence from the software industry”, Journal of Information Science (SCI, SSCI, FMS列表B类期刊), Accepted.
XudongCai, Shengli Li*(通讯作者) and Gengzhong Feng, “Evaluating the performance of government websites: An automatic assessment system based on the TFN-AHP methodology”, Journal of Information Science (SCI, SSCI, FMS列表B类期刊), Accepted. 
Yu-Chen Yang, Chao Ding, Hsing K. Cheng and Shengli Li, “To Join or Not to Join Group Purchasing Organization: A Vendor's Decision”, 发表于European Journal of Operational Research (SCI, SSCI, FMS列表A类期刊), 2017, 258(2): 581-589.
Brent Kitchens, Christopher A Harle and Shengli Li, “Quality of Health-Related Online Search Results”, 发表于Decision Support Systems(SCI, SSCI, FMS列表A类期刊), 2014, 57: 454-462.
Shengli Li,Yipeng Liu and SubhajyotiBandyopadhyay, “Network Effects in Online Two-sided Market Platforms: a Research Note,” 发表于Decision Support Systems(SCI, SSCI, FMS列表A类期刊),2010, 49(2): 245-249.
李胜利,钟滢.中外技术问答社区对比研究与启示.情报学报(国家自然科学基金管理学部A类期刊). 2020, 39(9): 989-1000. 
Ying Zhong and Shengli Li, “Study of Influencing Factors on Users’ Knowledge Contribution Behaviors in Social Q&A communities”, 第十九届武汉国际电子商务会议(WHICEB 2020), 武汉,2020年
Yijiang Liu and Shengli Li, “The Competition between Cloud Computing Providers”, 第二十三届亚太信息系统年会 (PACIS 2019), 西安, 2019年
Shengli Li and Qiuyue Luo, “A Study of Digital Music Pricing Models”, 第二十届亚太信息系统年会(PACIS 2016), 台湾, 2016年
Xin Tang, Wei Huang, Xue Li, Shengli Li and Yuewen Liu, “Outlier Detection via Minimum Spanning Tree”, 第十二届亚太信息系统年会(PACIS 2016), 台湾, 2016年
Shengli Li and Hsing K. Cheng, “Software Licensing in the Case of No Network Effects”, 第十届 Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2011), 上海, 2011年
Hsing K. Cheng, Shengli Li, and Yipeng Liu, “A Study of Hybrid Software Free Trial”,
第九届 Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2010), St. Louis, 2010年 (最佳论文提名)
Hong Guo,Shengli Li, and Praveen Pathak, "Personal Event Detection in Online Social Networking Sites",第八届 Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2009), Phonix, 2009年
Shengli Li and Qiuyue Luo, “A Study of Digital Music Pricing Models”, 第十二届亚太信息系统年会(PACIS 2016), 台湾, 2016年
Hong Guo, Shengli LiandPraveen Pathak, “Hierarchical SVMs for Personal Event Detection in Social Networking Sites”, INFORMS国际年会, San Francisco, 2014年
Shengli Li and Hsing K. Cheng, “Optimal Licensing Model: SaaS or On-Premises?”,第十届 Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2011), 上海, 2011年
Hsing K. Cheng, Shengli Li, and Yipeng Liu, “A Study of Hybrid Software Free Trial”,第九届 Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2010), St. Louis, 2010年 (最佳论文提名)
Hong Guo,Shengli Li,and Praveen Pathak, "Personal Event Detection in Online Social Networking Sites",第八届 Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2009), Phonix, 2009年
Consumer, be aware: Quality of health-related internet searches varies, ScienceDaily, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/04/140408154227.htm
Strategic publication dates can increase the yield of eBooks by 90%, InCT, Netherland, https://inct.nl/news/7186/strategische-publicatiedata-kunnen-de-opbrengst-van-sommige-boeken-met-90-verhogen
The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Track Associate Editor (副主编),2019-2021
CSIM 2018 (第24届海峡两岸资讯管理发展与策略学术研讨会),Program Co-Chairs (程序委员会联合主席)
The 2016 International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC-2016), Program Committee member(编委会成员)
The 2016 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Track Associate Editor(副主编)
The 2017 Workshop on e-Business (WeB, pre-ICIS workshop), Program Committee member(编委会成员)
Attendee of 2012 Decision Sciences Institute Doctoral Student Consortium
Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), Information Systems Research (ISR), Production and Operations Management (POM), Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), Journal of Association for Information Systems (JAIS), Decision Sciences (DS), Decision Support Systems (DSS), IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (IEEE TEM), Information & Management (I&M), International Journal of Electronic Commerce (IJEC), Information Technology and Management (ITM), Omega-The International Journal of Management Science, Information Processing and Management (IPM), Transportation Research Part E (TRE), Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA), etc.
中国信息经济学2011-2015理论贡献奖(三等奖)                         2016年11月
中国信息经济学2019年优秀成果奖                                 2019年10月
2019阿里“活水计划”优秀学者                                    2020年1月